About us






I  appreciate and enjoy the wonderful creation of GOD. When I was young, my father often took me fishing with him. We went to different parts of the sea. I learned about different kinds of  fish, corals, etc. One day I told  my father, I wish I have a camera so that I can take a pictures of these beautiful things I've seen and one day I will share them with  my children. That's what inspired my enthusiasm for photography. My Dad answered,  if you pray I'm sure God will make your wish come true. And indeed he did. In fact he gave me more than I wished for.

David bought me a camera shortly after we got married. My first camera ever. I took loads of photographs with it. That's how this photo gallery started. I have also included all the counties I have been to in England ... so far! (This is just a beginning, look out for more in the future)

Please take a look at my collections and let me know what you think about them.

I am  starting to write short stories, essays and articles. I will be posting the others soon.

True Love....(short story)

THE ENCHANTING WORLD OF SALOME (short story) 13/1/2005

CULTURAL DIFFERENCES (article) written in Spring of 2003

Jealousies and Rivalries: the prerogative of Filipinas through ages (written on 18/01/05)