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Having set off outrageously early in the morning, we reached Rome at lunchtime. This gave us the afternoon to start finding our way around the Eternal City. Our first port of call was the nearest of the historic monuments to our hotel; the Castel Sant' Angelo. From there, we wandered into the mediaeval centre of the city.

Castel Sant' Angelo

The Castel Sant' Angelo, adorned

In the spiral road leading up inside the castle

Statue of the Archangel Michael, by Raphael

Fresco of a man with a unicorn on the ceiling

The highest angel on the castle.

Saint Peter's and the Vatican, from the castle.

Bridges over the Tiber, seen from the castle.

The mediaeval city, from the castle.

On top of the Castle. One...



The end of the Ponte Sant' Angelo

Mediaeval city centre

Chiesa Nuova

Charles fascinated by the first fountain

Obelisk in front of Palazzo Montecitorio

The Pantheon - temple to all gods - was built almost 2,000 years ago to the design of the Emperor Hadrian, and has been a Church for 1,700 years.

The classical front.

The Oculus: a hole in the roof which lets in light and rain, and reduces the weight of the dome.

Portraits of the saints adorn the walls.

Fountain in the Piazza della Rotonda

Piazza Navona

Sant Agostino